hurt sales

美 [hɜːrt ˈseɪlz]英 [hɜːt ˈseɪlz]
  • 拉低销售额
hurt saleshurt sales
  1. Private label sales have also hurt sales of branded cereals .


  2. The economy has hurt sales professionals ;


  3. The financial crisis hurt sales of luxury goods , which fell by 8 % in 2009 .


  4. Publishers , fearful that selling to libraries will hurt sales to the general public , have thrown up roadblocks .


  5. The global economic slowdown has long been expected to hurt sales of electronic devices , which tend to be discretionary purchases susceptible to downturns .


  6. There are no signs yet that these habits , which have hurt sales of products made by big branded manufacturers such as Unilever , are changing .


  7. This is expected to hurt sales of Chinese J10A and JF-17 ( co-developed with Pakistan ) jet fighters .


  8. Walmart admitted that efforts to give its stores a cleaner , less cluttered feel by clearing promotional merchandise from its store aisles had hurt sales .


  9. China 's multi-year campaign to reduce conspicuous consumption of luxury goods by public officials has hurt sales of Pernod Ricard , Hugo Boss and BMW .


  10. Those factors combined with the videogame industry 's cycles ─ where sales taper off before a new game console is released ─ have hurt sales of new games , consoles and accessories .


  11. Exports are vital to Japan 's economy , and the recent sharp increase in the value of the yen means that Japanese-made products would be more expensive on world markets , which would hurt sales .


  12. However , the delay of just two weeks is unlikely to hurt sales significantly or cause a supply shortage in the US , said Roxy Wong , an analyst with Mirae Asset Securities .


  13. Value-destroying headaches include : lower synergies than planned ; supply chain disruptions that hurt sales ; an inventory build-up that increases the cost of goods sold ; and a drop in product quality .


  14. Apple 's brand recognition could seal the deal for the Apple Watch in China - but it could also hurt sales in the U.S. , where Apple is seen as a tech brand rather than a fashion label :


  15. The purge has been accompanied by a campaign against conspicuous consumption by officials that has hurt sales of luxury watches and alcoholic spirits & and dented bookings at upmarket restaurants .


  16. They warn that the measure , if implemented in its current form , will cause shortages of basic items , such as bras , and hurt sales in the lead-up to Christmas , their busiest season .


  17. While a boycott of Japanese products due to a dispute over a chain of islands hurt sales of large ticket items made by Japanese manufacturers , from cars to TVs , Chinese consumers apparently retained their faith in the quality of Japanese air purifiers .


  18. Don 't chase the quick buck . " Sometimes we measure things and see that in the short term they actually hurt sales , " says Bezos . " But we do it anyway , because we believe that the short-term results probably aren 't indicative of the long-term . "


  19. But intensifying competition has further hurt our sales in the key China market .


  20. On the contrary , a bad name can hurt the sales of the product .


  21. The safety controversy has hurt Avandia sales .


  22. While the red label could hurt Coke sales , the company has a lot of green label products to fall back on .


  23. Another factor that Kuo believes will hurt fourth-quarter iPhone sales is China .


  24. In April , the firm reported its first fall in quarterly revenue since 2003 , hurt by slowing sales in China .


  25. Some pointed out that Carrefour 's staff in China were mostly Chinese nationals , who would be hurt by a sales boycott .


  26. Volvo has been hurt by poor sales in recession-battered Europe , a key market accounting for more than half of global sales .


  27. Delayed response could hurt the brand 's sales .
